mommy cita & zeta

terkadang sebagai orang tua ingin melakukan segala sesuatu terbaik dengan anaknya.  seperti aku, semangat banget baca berbagai info tentang tumbuh kembang anak, pertama karena perna mempunyai pengalaman buruk dalam merawat anak yang akhirnya, Alloh mengambil kembali titipannya. dan hal itu membuat aku sungguh merana, upanya Alloh kasihan padaku dan kembali menitipkan seorang sweet baby angel untuk aku rawat sebaik mungkin, yaap..aku rela menanggalkan segala kebanggaanku, mimpi yang ku kejar sejak kecil, dan memantapkan hati, I will tak care my baby my self.

Allahdulillah, anakku sehat, lucu, lincah dan aktif. aku belikan dia berbagai mainan yang membatu mendorong kemampuan psiko motoriknya, flash card, buku-buku….dan sebagaianya semampu aku semuanya ku berikan.

eh…ternyata sekarang ketika my baby keranjingan lihat gambar pada buku, mainan aku jadi kewalahan, ga bisa lagi cape, ngantuk, lagi kerja…..harus bacain buku dan cerita, ketika wajah mama-nya ga ekspresif ceritanya langsung marah…….

sampai ayahnya menyembunyikan buku-bukunya, maksudnya agar ketika cape , ga perlu cerita or baca buku..

jadinya buahi malakama…, udah anak nya pintar ortu jadi kewalahan…menghadapinya…

maafin mama ya neng…hehe….But I always luv you…….

zeta lag balap

zeta lag balap

The Davinci Code
Dan Brown ( 2006)

The Summery

The story starts of with the murder of Jacques Sauriere. He is the curator the louvre in Paris, and also leader from Priory of Sion – a european secret society. He was kill by Silas – a member of Catholic Organization – Opus Dei.
Silas get intruction to kill and plunder keystone, biolygrail and documents which would shake the very foundation of cristian and Church.

Bezu Fache, Captain of Judical Police ( DCPJ = FBI) ASK Robet Langdon, Professor of religious Symbology, Harvard University to solve the murder scene and deciphering the code Sauniere left on and near his body.

When Langdon tries to solvo the murder scene, he met with Sophie Neveu, a police cryptographer. She send messege that RL is in danger. He Has been called to the louvre not as symbologist but rather of one of DCPJ’s favorite interrogation methods, than she add, DCPJ put GPS tracking dot to monitored hat he do. Langdon must lieve it, throw it out, the signal will moving follow on the thing, so that police can deceive and leave louvre.
In the lauvre, Neveu told that JS was Neveu’s grandfather and they are very close to each other, but no many people know that. She believes that lLangdon is not suspest in this Murder and she offer Langdon together to solve the murder scene.
Then, they work together and by deciphering her grandfather’s clues, Langdon finds the painting and also find a key hidden behind it and address plus symbols of priory of sion.
And of course they can trick the police and solve the secret of key.

The first, the key opens a safe defosit box At the depository Bank of Zurich, using fibonacci numbers. They find cyptex, a cylindrical devide supposedly invented by leonardo Davinci for transporting secure messages.

Still being chased by police, they take the keystone to sir Leigh Tebing ( an exert in holigrail and Langdon’s friend) they hope tebing can help them to solve the keystone and holigrail and of course safe them from police. But thet don’t kow it turns out that Tebing is the teacher who assigned Silas to kill JS. Teabing who contacted Bishop Aringarosi ( the leader Opus Dei). Hiding his identity and tricked him into financing the plan to find the grail. He plans to steal the grail document and reveal them to the world himself.
Tebing dirrect Langdon and Neveu to the temple church in Landon. He had plan to erase all knowledge of his work and must kill everyone who know his work, and he tells the police that Silas person who kill JS, and now, Silas is hiding in Landon in headquaters of Opus Dei.

In Westminster Abbey, Langdon tries to open cryptex and see the contents of the cryptex, but teabing attack it from Langdon. Finally, Langdon removes the cryptex content and destroying it in front of Teabing. Langdon just to know that the ringleader of the crime is teabing – his bestfriend.
Teabing is arrested and he is begging Langdon to tell him the contents of the second cryptex and the secret location of the Hollygrail.

Bezu Fache finds out that Neveu and Langdon are innocent after Bishop Aringarosa contact him privately to confess, when he knows, that he is used by Teabing, and Bezu Fache cancels the warrant for the arrest of them. And Sillas died of wotal woonds.

The final message inside the cryptex refer to Rosslyn Chapel. In that place Neveu meet with Sophie’s long-lost brother and the guardian of Rosslyn Chapel, Marie Chauvel is Shopie’s grandmother and the wife of Jacques Sauniere. She revealed that Sophie is a descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalena. The priory of sion hid her identity in order to protect her from possible threats to her life.
The real meaning from the last message is that the grail is burried beneath the small pyramid.

zeta 1 tahun

zeta 1 tahun

cake for zeta

cake for zeta

Thanks God, give me chance to take care my sweet baby angel until know….,

I am so happy evry time, every minute in my life….

In the first year birthday, I just want to say that mommy always luv you …zeta



Zeta is a litle girl. She lives with her parent in a small village. Her father has large farm. father always bring her go around the farmevery morning. She is very happy, because she can see many kinds farm animals such as goat, cow, chicken, swan, duck, fish, rabbit, cat, dog and so on.

Zeta likes to imitate  sound of farm animals. While walk around the farm, her father ask zeta  “ zeta can you imitate sound of a cow?”
“ Of course I can daddy…., the sound of cow….: moooo!” zeta answer, of course with cute face.
“ and how about the other animals? “ ask father
“sound a goat….bleee….., sound a cat : meow…….., sound a dog : bow woo woo ….” Zeta try to imitate sound of animals who she now.
“ clever girls!” said daddy. And they continue go around the stall,
“look, daddy! My rabbit have many babies? “ said zeta, when she see rabbits.
“ you can count it !” ask father
“ one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten,..eleven……!, daddy rabbit have eleven babies. Woow….it is very funny…”said zeta happy.
Zeta’s father smile to look her little girl happy. And he said that zeta must give rabbit’s babies grass everyday.

“Ok, zeta time is over, we must go home now…..mommy has called you” said father. And they go back to home “ daddy, I want go to farm again tomorrow!” zeta hope her father bring her in the tomorrow morning. Her father only smile.

Eeem….they can smell their delicious breakfast.
“ mom, can I have my breakfast now? “ said zeta, when she look mother finish to cook in the kitchen. “ sure, honey, but you must clean up your hand before breakfast!”
Ok mommy..”
They are so happy, zeta can not stop tell about rabbits, and Zeta hope tomorrow father will bring her to farm, and She can give her rabbits grass.

Pada awalnya, blog ini dibuat hanya sekedar untuk memenuhi tugas pelajaran komputer di tempat aku kuliah, tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu blog “mommy cita & zeta” aku buat untuk mencatat perkembangan kedua belahan jiwaku Cita & Zeta.

Keinginanku baru saja di mulai……, permata hatiku ( Cita ) sudah dulu kembali ke pada Alloh SWT dengan meninggalkan catatan pendek yang indah di hidup Mommy.

Sejak Cita, kembali ke pangkuan -Mu, ya… Robby,  Hatiku tinggal separuh, begitu juga jiwaku.  Kadang aku merasa ajalkupun sudah mendekat.

Aku tidak tahu, hukuman, ujian atau tabungan yang akan menyelamatkan aku kelak di akhirat?  yang pasti hatiku…kosong….melompong…dan hampa…

Hatiku tinggal separuh,

tapi, Kau berikan penjaga hati

agar sebelah hatiku tetap ada…….

kau kirim Zeta, yang perkasa……

yang siap menyeka air mataku……..

terseyum dan memelukku…….

dan berkata ” Mommy, I luv you…….”

cita & ayah



cita & ayah

Othello, dibuat berdasarkan berbagai sumber yang kemudian dirangkum lengkap ….

Plot : Othello

In the opening scene, begins in Venice with Iago, a soldier under Othello’s command arguing with roderigo, a rich and foolish gentleman who wishes to take Othello’s girlfriend, Desmona as his own. Iago explains his hatred of Othello for choosing Michael Cassio to be his Lieutenant and not him as he expected. Iago first asks his friend Roderigo to tell Desdemona’s father Brabantio that his daughter has left to marry Othello, a marriage Brabantio opposes because Othello is a Moor (an African). Brabantio confronts Othello, and they take their argument to the Duke, who has ordered Othello to Cyprus to stop a Turkish invasion. Othello explain how he and Desdemona fell in love each other deeply despite their differences, the Duke gives Desdemona permission to travel with Othello. By the time they reach Cyprus the foreign threat is gone.

Iago persuades Roderigo to engage Cassio into a street fight and gets Cassio drunk. Iago has his revenge on Cassio when Othello strips Cassio of his rank for misbehavior. Then Iago decides to make Othello believe his wife is unfaithful. He encourages Cassio to ask Desdemona to plead with Othello to be reinstated. Iago suggests to Othello that Desdemona is Cassio’s lover. Trusting Iago and mad with jealousy, Othello promotes Iago. Othello ask Iago to help him. Iago plants Desdemona’s handkerchief in Cassio’s room. Cassio gives it to his mistress, Bianca. Othello believes Bianca’s possession of the handkerchief is proof that Desdemona and Cassio are lovers. He verbally abuses his wife in front of others, who are shocked at the change in the noble and powerful man.

Iago has manipulated Roderigo into trying to kill Cassio. The attempt goes wrong, and Cassio wounds Roderigo; Iago stabs Cassio in the leg. Othello hears Cassio cry out and thinks Iago has killed him. He returns home, ready to kill Desdemona. Meanwhile, Iago “finds” the wounded Cassio and accuses Bianca of causing Cassio’s injury. Iago quietly kills Roderigo and sends Emilia (Iago’s wife) to Desdemona with news of what has happened.

Baca entri selengkapnya »


Posted on: September 8, 2008

TORCH ( Toxo, Rubella, CMV dan Herpes ) adalah jenis penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh virus dan parasit yang terjangkit dari binatang atau hewan peliharaan seperti ayam, kucing, tikus burung, kambing, sapi, anjing, babi dan binatang lainnya.

Jika Torch menyerang ibu hamil pada trisemester I dan trisemester 2 akan berakibat patal pada janin, bisa kemungkinan keguguran, kejang hingga perkapuran di jaringan otak. oleh karena itu, ibu hamil harus berhati-hati.


bentuk kelainan yang diakibatkan oleh toksopasma pada bayi dapat berupa kelainan seperti, hidrosefalus, mikrosepalus, ada kejang, retardasi mental, infeksi pada retina matam pengkapuran diharingan otak.


bentuk kelainan yang disebabkan rubella berupa kelainan jantung bawaan, katarak,mikrosefalus, gangguan pendengaran dsb

CMV (SitoMegaloVirus)

bentuk kelainan yang disebabkan oleh CMV bentuknya hampir sama dengan yang disebabkan oleh toksoplasma.

untuk mengetahui seseorang/ibu hamil apakah terkena TORCH perlu dilakukan uji/test darah, adapun test yang dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar imunoglobulin G ( IgG) dan kadar imunoglobulin M dalam darah.

Pencegahan terkena Torch terutama bagi ibu hamil, yaitu dengan menghindari memakan daging setengah matang ( sate ), makan sayur matang, menghindari diri dari kotoran binatang peliharaan, dan berobat jika terinfeksi.

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Nacita dan Ayah
Nacita dan Ayah

Anak Cinta Kita yang memiliki Nurani (cahaya benderang) dari dasar Hati Fatima, (nama sang ibu yang juga adalah nama putri terkasih Rasulullah Muhammad S.A.W.), terlahir Ahad, 5 Agustus 2006, sesuai dengan fakta bahwa dia adalah anak pertama kami. Wajahnya begitu cantik, lembut dan entah mengapa, sesuai benar dengan sifat dan perangainya yang tenang. Sampai kami terkejut saat anak kami menderita sakit. Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV dan Herpes, merupakan rangkaian penyakit yang sebelumnya belum pernah kami kenal. Ternyata penyakit ini menyerang anak kami. Dari hasil uji lab, anak kami positif terjangkit parasit dan virus-virus darah tersebut. Maka kami pun belajar dan membuka mata bahwa, banyak anak lain yang terjangkit penyakit ini. Hidrosepalus, Mikrosepalus, Epilepsi, Keguguran janin, Kegagalan hamil, adalah contoh-contoh yang diakibatkan oleh virus di atas. Kami pun berbagi rasa dengan orang-orang ini.

Nacita tidak gugur atau tertimpa efek-efek itu secara kasat mata. Nacita menderita efek yang lain. Kami berjuang. Nacita menderita. Setiap hari harus menelan larutan bahan-bahan kimia anorganik. Setiap minggu harus menahan kesakitan saat menjalani terapi.

Tawa, senyum, merupakan hal yang mahal dan jarang didapat darinya. Maka itu menjadi hadiah yang sangat mahal dan berharga disaat hanya senyum dan sedikit tawa yang keluar dari bibir mungilnya.

Jumat, 5 September 2008, merupakan saat yang sangat menyedihkan bagi kami. Nacita dipanggil kembali pada Sang Maha Pencipta. Di Bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah, di hari yang merupakan penghulunya hari, kami menerima kenyataan bahwa Nacita harus terlebih dahulu memasuki kampung akhirat. Kesedihan luar biasa menerpa kami. Segala emosi bercampur aduk, antara tidak percaya dan berharap semua hanya ilusi. Kami hanya bisa terpekur untuk bisa memahami semua ini. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Secara Harfiah Serebral artinya otak dan falsy adalah kelumpuhan. Celebral Palsy atau CP merupakan gangguan/kelainan otak/kelumpuhan yang disebabkan gangguan menetap di otak. akibatnya bisa berupa kelainan otot seperti seluruh tubuh lemas, kaku atau bergerak-gerak terus. Hal ini sangat tergantung di mana lokasi kerusakan otak tadi. Baca entri selengkapnya »

Jika ditanya cinta itu apa?

Cinta adalah Nacita & Zeta

Nacita lagi bobo dan Zeta bergaya tau mo di photo.